Wednesday, April 18
holiday is here
it was the longest time i've ever taken for packing lehr. coz usually juz need ard 15mins for me to pack my stuff, but last nite i think i spent 1hour sumthin. zzz.
everything is not in order, dusty and my room was covered with papers. coz juz finished exam maaa..
talking bout exam, i think the worst paper is Macroeconomics. my brain was totally freezed on that paper lehr. fark lahr !
wake up quite early tis morning. dunno why. prolly coz too excited coz gg back to Jakarta todae. yay! i'm going to be in Indo in 7hrs time from now.
got quite a lof of baggages for todae's trip. going to smash on my bones later. zzz.
i need to enjoy the last spore chicken rice for these 2 months holiday.
btw, when will the third semester begin arr ??? is it on early July ???
i think ya'll notice about the news headlines in these recent days. about e shootings at Virginia Tech. i juz browse on some pictures on their candlelight vigil and i almost drop in tears lehr. it's very sad. may Lord bless all the victims and give strength for their family. amen.
anywae, hope can have another post when i'm in indo. because quite distracting lehr the internet there. very slow. can not utube.
oyea, my plans in indo :
- join english course
- join mandarin course
- makan ;
quality : yes
quantity : no
- watch movies
- watch Hanakimi
- play with my nephew
- and re-arrange my sleeping hours.
going to make a big surprise for someone in Jakarta. wait for me yea...
Sunday, April 15
A Song by Michael Jackson..nice lyrics
[Verse 1]
Somebody shakes when the wind blows
Somebody's missing a friend, hold on
Somebody's lacking a hero
And they have not a clue
When it's all gonna end
[Verse 2]
Stories buried and untold
Someone is hiding the truth, hold on
When will this mystery unfold
And will the sun ever shine
In the blind man's eyes when he cries?
You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (Gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight
[Verse 3]
People laugh when they're feelin sad
Someone is taking a life, hold on
Respect to believe in your dreams
Tell me where were you
when your children cried last night?
[Verse 4]
Faces fill with madness
Miracles unheard of, hold on
Faith is found in the winds
All we have to do
Is reach for the truth
And when that flag blows
There'll be no more wars
And when all calls
I will answer all your prayers
[Chorus x3]
Change the world
15 hrs sleeping
no feel to study for FP. somemore, it's weekend lehr.
fark FP !!!
i'm thinking of changing course lehr...
interested in Hospitality now...
i shud have known it before i assigned the Finance course.
shit !!!
maya, don't think too much. focus on ur exam !!!!
*shud start packing things*
Friday, April 13
afternoon post
going back to indo on Wed. yay!!
haven't slp well these past 2 nights. total only slp 2hrs lehr. die die die.
*panadol. chicken rice. coffee. hot Milo.* ==> my energy resources during the exam.
btw, i'm getting sick of McDonald. used to love it so much. but know, zzzzzzzzzz...... no no no more McD, plz...
can someone summarize FP module in one or two single paper ??? i hate to see the text book lehr. damn boring. damn wordy. farkkkkk!!!!!!
need to buy so many things to bring back to Indo lehr. got time anot hor ???
want to say SORRY from the very very deep deep down my heart to Vilia. it's my bad. i promise we're going to have fun either in Jakarta or in Khuntien with other friends, k ??? so sorry have to leave S'pore so early. it'z juz so sudden.
i miss Elies lehr.
so sleepy and tired... but can't (or don't want) to sleep. can i tahan until ard 9 pm ???
btw, this is my very first post at noon. *congratz myself*
Thursday, April 12
4hrs51mins to Final Exam
but dunno can tahan anot leh, if no sleep. plan to stay awake until 8am, then got shower n go to school. zzz... but kinda slpy already now lehr. zzzzzzzz......
today paper is Manage Client Services. mugging for these two days to finish the whole lecture notes. *vomit*. my brain can't absorb anything anymore. it's too damn full already !!!
fark final exam !!!!!
high level of strezz...
BTW, tomorrow paper is ....... the beloved Commercial Law. though it's open book, but .... *faint*
Tuesday, April 10
eye bag warnings !!!!!
eye-bag is getting bigger and darker....
juz finish my revision on Comm Law. dunno can't remember what i hv read anot lehr. lucky it's open book.
i'm going to do my Manage Client Services revision todae... zzz... i hvn't started anything lehr. can finish in two days anot horrr??? shoot!!!
Holiday is one week away... yay!!! can't wait to have lotza fun. Tuesday, plz come.
f**k for FP. i really really really damn give up !!!!!! fail then fail lor... mei you ban fa.... nothing i can do !!!!
Sunday, April 8
staying overseas ???
now let's go back to Singapore. i also suffering here leh... is it our faith as international student ? to be in other peep's country and feel like some kind of Stranger here ?
i don't know...
realize maybe other frens in indon might think it's a great thing to study overseas. but do they know a greater joy is to study in your own country ? hahaha. can't believe i say that. i mean, despite to the high crime level in indon, i think my frens studying in jakarta there have less strezz level and more fun things to do.
maybe it's bcoz they speak the same language and have more common things to do. and one thing i love is : the TOGETHERNESS.
this things happenned to me last Sunday. it was Palm Sunday and i went to church with some of my indon frens from NTU. we didn't manage to get seat for 5 of us. when finally we found 3 seats, all of us decided to juz stand up during the whole long mass. and that's COOL!!!
back to the Suffering days overseas. however, i think we shud juz keep in mind the good points of being able to study here lehr. despite all the bloody damn suffering days, we also have great time living in other peep's country, right ??
Let's S'pore, i can go to Orchard road to window-shopping on weekend, while when i'm in my hometown, maybe i'll juz go to Ayani Mega, it's quite nice to stay in Singapore...
Friday, April 6
damn early in the morning
decided to revise on FP a while and end up wif blogging now. hahaha. ask me to study at dawn. u crazy or wad ?
last nite check on the Laozhabou (do i type it correctly ?) blogspot. damn funny lehr. btw, who is she ? reading her blog, i think she is some kind of Singapore actress ? sorry lehr. i rarely watch tv, so dunno abt the spore actress/actors.
today is public holiday. it's Good Friday. thinking of gg to church later. got tell Marisa to go to Good Shepherd lehr. but dunno if i will fall asleep later anot. hopefully not!
counting down the days... final exam is less than one week away. dunno if i'm ready anot. haven't finished studying. FP-fp-FP. i hereby declare that i hate FP. actually it's quite interesting lehr, but because of the UNinteresting Lecture(r), .... *u know wad i'm gg to say*.
btw, the exams will be held on 10am. i MUST fix my sleeping hrs already. maybe i'll start it on Mondae ? hahaha. since the first exam is on Thurs.
Thursday, April 5
school library VS orchard road
todae went to school, planned to study... in fact, only sit @ the library for 30mins, and rushed to Orchard. OMG! next week is my final exam and i still go to Orchard ???
dunno why my post now is in English. hahaha.
these few days got thunderstorm in Singapore. OMG! damn scared lehr. somehow i stay on 21st floor. OMG!!!
why i no study lehr ? die die die...
juz now got revise about Income Tax.. study until i feel buzzzzzzzzzz in my head... hahaha.
maya, plz, study !!!!!
Wednesday, April 4
A nice song by Alanis Morissette

how bout getting off these antibiotics
how bout stopping eating when I'm full up
how bout them transparent dangling carrots
how bout that ever elusive kudo
thank you india
thank you terror
thank you disillusionment
thank you frailty
thank you consequence
thank you thank you silence
how bout me not blaming you for everything
how bout me enjoying the moment for once
how bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
how bout grieving it all one at a time
thank you india
thank you terror
thank you disillusionment
thank you frailty
thank you consequence
thank you thank you silence
the moment I let go of it was the moment
I got more than I could handle
the moment I jumped off of it
was the moment I touched down
how bout no longer being masochistic
how bout remembering your divinity
how bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
how bout not equating death with stopping
thank you india
thank you providence
thank you disillusionment
thank you nothingness
thank you clarity
thank you thank you silence
new blog
foto ini sukses dipilih sebagai the first ever photo di blog baru gw. congratz !
*maaf, karena keterbatasan modal,
modEL yg dipakai hanya yg seadanya*
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