since the course started with only 4 days classes, can start the weekend 1 day earlier from others. LoLz. but, got pros and cons too. the horrible thing is i totally have no idea how am i supposed to spend the long weekend with 'productive' things.
today, i spent the next 5 hours after i woke up staring at the laptop and surfed the net. browsing an interesting forum esp the gossip ones, and idk... facebook-ing... watsoever.
anyway, i had a dream last night and it makes me cry when i woke up. OMG! i can't blv tt i actually cried over a dream. well, maybe it's bcoz i met my grandma in my dream. miss her so much... she still like scolding people even in the dream though. hahaha. may she Rest in Peace and God always be with her everyday. She must be happy now when she can see her grandsons n grand daughter all grown up, some of them even have got a son or two. She was a great grandmother finally :)
i've been craving for sushi and Lay's the past week. i had 4 sushi meal (2 of them are buffet), and 4 big packets of Lay's Original during these days. I still can't get enough of those two. Diet is totally not in my dictionary nowadays.
Friends keep asking if I'm going back to my hometown in this coming Chinese New Year. FYI, I'm gonna have these 17 days holiday for it. hahaha. all ppl i told abt this can only shocked. anyway, i don't have any plans to go back Indo these year, and that means sticking up in Singapore probably a greater idea. LoLz.
Idk what happenned, suddenly I really fed up of keep going back to Indo and slack around there. I guess I'll miss my Ang Bao again this year. Last year I remember I didn't go back Indo on CNY too leh. but my relatives passed the ang bao to my Mom, then she passed to me in Spore. hahaha. Quite disappointed, coz I expect all of them to be in $$$, but they were all in Rupiah. haizzz...
My fave song this week is : Apologize by Timbaland feat. One Republic.
Anyway, I just found my High School Pictures taken days after the final exams...(2006).
and some friends wrote notes about me... you know... the memories... and when i read it now, it makes me smile. well, time flies, don't they ?

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