Bloody damn Statistics test is horrible !!!!!!! it was MCQs and heard got a lot of 'none of the above' answers. what-the-eff!!!!!! might as well no need to give MCQs lah like that !!!!
good thing :
We decided to watch Step Up 2 with fellow Indonesian classmates. and we had Subway, Kfc, and Jap Resto in Cineleisure, coz all of us have different likes on food. hahaha. anyway, of course I had my beloved SUBWAY of Italian B.M.T. Hillarious !!!!!! yum......
Step Up 2.... it brings up the mood for clubbing after watching it. but, got lecture tom, so... juz forget the clubbing part.
So, we decided to hang out at nearby Starbucks. Spent 1-2 hours LAUGHING. and we laughed until v loud... nv care about other ppl. IT WAS HILLARIOUSLY FUN!!!!!
Kluar sering2 yah, guyz !!!! gw bs awet muda kalau gituwh!!!!
Recap dari Starbucks joke :
- Elies bakal pake make up waterproof semua.
- Sukanto kayaq om2 genit.
- Grace ke toilet Starbucks pipis di balik curtain.
- 'anu' nya si Jansen tuh ga bisa turun !
- si Gunardi ketawa ampe keluar dari Starbucks.
- Andre duduk feminim Banget !!!!!!!
- banyakkkkkkkkkkkk banget.,,......
behind camera : Jhonny
pose Om Genit.
Ciri khas Grace.. pegang idung !
Big Boys don't Cry...... lalalala...
Top Picture of the Day...
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