What's more ?
Tuesday, September 16
Sunday, June 15
P.S. I Love You T.T
Okay, I've heard some people saying that P.S. I Love You movie is very good, but NOBODY TOLD ME HOW SAD IT IS.
omg! I am watching it half way right now, and I've been crying almost every minute for every scene. I cry until I have to pause the movie for a while coz I can't tahan and tired of crying. *resting my eyes for a minute*. LoLz.
She is just karaoke-ing, and I also cry. haizzzzzzzzz...........
but it's too sad lah. and I feel fortunate I don't watch it in the cinema. *you know why!!!*.
The lead actress, Hillary Swank is awesome as well!!!
Man : "I don't know what exactly woman wants!!!"
Woman : "Let me tell you. But don't tell anyone. Coz it's a sacred secret".
M : "It's a sacred secret."
W : "We have absolutely no idea what we want"
M : "Noted!!!!! I knew that!!!!!!! Son of a *****!!!!!!!"
Some scenes from the movie ........
gw sering denger pertanyaan gini,
pernah ngebayangin kalau besok u mati,
apa hal terakhir yang loe bakal lakukan hari ini ?
ato something like...
kalau hari ini hari terakhir loe,
siapa orang terakhir yang bakal loe inget, loe pikirin, ato yang mau loe ajak bicara ?
here's what i learned from these thinking.
intinya, live your life to the fullest TODAY.
do whatever you can do today.
no more procastination.
coz, you dont know what will happen in the next one hour, or tomorrow, or next month or next year.
gw ga mau hidup dalam penyesalan.
'duh, harusnya kan gw ............'
'padahal gw kan bisa .......... dari tadi / kemarin'
hidup beneran cuma sekali.
kita ga tau kita bakal hidup ampe umur brapa.
gw kepikiran ginieh gara2 baru ntn P.S. I Love You yang tiba2 si Jerry die in a very young age because of brain tumour.
It's like, I could die tomorrow although I only 20years old. (contoh doanx lah!).
Intinya, gw skarang mau jadi ... istilahnya orang yg Nekad ajah dhe gituh.
Tiap ada chance to do that, I will do it rightaway.
Gw tau, yang bakal gw lakukan mungkin ga akan selancar jalan tol, coz pastinya bakal ada 'batu2 kerikil'nya ato mungkin 'tikungan2 tajam',tapi itu yang bikin Menarik and ga boring!
Although I hope I can get through it all lah!
Hahaha.... lg nonsense apaan seh gw.
trus tadi ada quote ginih di film nya... it's something about planning gituh. plan never comes true or watever lah. hahaha. intinya, gw now start to think, what if gw ga usa bikin plan aneh2 dhe di hidup gw. gw pengen live my life secara spontan ajah gituh. biznya, uda terbukti, everything that I plan out, always turn into the opposite way.
Bisa ga yah ???????
pernah ngebayangin kalau besok u mati,
apa hal terakhir yang loe bakal lakukan hari ini ?
ato something like...
kalau hari ini hari terakhir loe,
siapa orang terakhir yang bakal loe inget, loe pikirin, ato yang mau loe ajak bicara ?
here's what i learned from these thinking.
intinya, live your life to the fullest TODAY.
do whatever you can do today.
no more procastination.
coz, you dont know what will happen in the next one hour, or tomorrow, or next month or next year.
gw ga mau hidup dalam penyesalan.
'duh, harusnya kan gw ............'
'padahal gw kan bisa .......... dari tadi / kemarin'
hidup beneran cuma sekali.
kita ga tau kita bakal hidup ampe umur brapa.
gw kepikiran ginieh gara2 baru ntn P.S. I Love You yang tiba2 si Jerry die in a very young age because of brain tumour.
It's like, I could die tomorrow although I only 20years old. (contoh doanx lah!).
Intinya, gw skarang mau jadi ... istilahnya orang yg Nekad ajah dhe gituh.
Tiap ada chance to do that, I will do it rightaway.
Gw tau, yang bakal gw lakukan mungkin ga akan selancar jalan tol, coz pastinya bakal ada 'batu2 kerikil'nya ato mungkin 'tikungan2 tajam',tapi itu yang bikin Menarik and ga boring!
Although I hope I can get through it all lah!
Hahaha.... lg nonsense apaan seh gw.
trus tadi ada quote ginih di film nya... it's something about planning gituh. plan never comes true or watever lah. hahaha. intinya, gw now start to think, what if gw ga usa bikin plan aneh2 dhe di hidup gw. gw pengen live my life secara spontan ajah gituh. biznya, uda terbukti, everything that I plan out, always turn into the opposite way.
Bisa ga yah ???????
Tuesday, June 10
kerja ?
Akhirnya update blog laghe...
Kali ini lg mood nya pake Bahasa ajah ketiknya.
Final exam uda selese dari Mei kemarin, and skarang lg liburan semester.
Walopun liburnya 2 bulan, tapi ga kerasa juga uda 1 bulan uda berlalu. Intinya, liburan gw uda less than 30days dhe skarang. haiz.
1 July bakal mulai semester 5 - yg artinya uda Final Year. akhirnya kuliah uda tinggal 1 taon dhe. Walopun uda 2 taon kuliah ini hasil ujian gw standar2 ajah, tapi gw uda bersyukur, ga ada subject yg fail. And semoga untuk ke depannya juga lancar2 ajah. Amen.
Uda ga tau dari liburan kapan lalu gw uda bilang gini 'kalo liburan, gw mau coba cari kerja ah'. akhirnya di liburan ini, kesampean juga dhe. dengan resiko ga pulang Indo (padahal libur 2 bulan!!!), and smua orang yg ga percaya klow gw bisa2nya ga pulang, thx God gw skarang uda laghe di kantor pas gw laghe ketik ini Post. hehehe.
Gw kerja part-time sebagai Admin gituh dhe. ternyata ga se-serem yg gw bayangin. and gw Enjoy ama job gw ini. ga usa susah2 mikir pake otak susah2. tinggal susun2 file sesuai abjad gituh2 ajah. tapi yg susah tuh yah Jam kerjanya. gw kerja 8 jam (termasuk 1 jam lunch break). and gw uda harus ada di Office jam 9 am!!!
Ini mungkin biasa buat orang yg normal. But not for Me!!! gila ajah. gw biasa klow liburan tuh subuh jam 4-5am baru tidur, skarang jam 7.30 pagi uda harus mandi n siap2. Soalnya kan harus tunggu Bus sgala, and tempatnya yg lumayan jauh gituh dari rumah. Intinya, pulang kerja uda capek banget, and bisa jam 10 malem uda tidur. *what a healthy lifestyle*. hahaha.
Hal positif laen dari gw kerja adalah... gw skarang tau, kalau cari duit tu susah! capek banget! gw inget banget, Mami gw slalu bilang gituh terutama kalau gw sering minta duit buat beli barang2 ga guna. and setelah diomelin gituh hampir 20tahun, gw skarang baru tau artinya! skarang kalau misalnya liat barang harga $20 neh misalnya. skarang mikirnya 'buat beli neh barang, gw harus duduk depan komputer ketik ini itu selama hampir 4 jam dulu!'.
Intinya, skarang lebih bisa menghargai duit dhe!
tapi ada kesenangan tersendiri juga seh kalau bisa beli barang pake duit sendiri. rasanya tuh bener2 beda, walopun misalnya itu untuk barang yg sama. duit dari ortu ama duit yg u bisa dapetin sendiri dari kerja.
Trus, yg ga enak dari kerja tuh... energy loe habis. jadi nafsu makan lebih gede. hahaha. and gw tiap pagi harus mnm kopi. padahal kan itu ga bae. tapi mau gimana laghe. hari ini ajah, gw Scan dokumen, bisa ampe tutup mata. saking ngantuknya. terpaksa pas Lunch gw beli kopi kedua gw untuk hari ini. NGANTUK!
Duh, boss gw belom balik dari lunch break nya.... jadi gw skarang masi bisa MSN dulu dhe santai2.
Kali ini lg mood nya pake Bahasa ajah ketiknya.
Final exam uda selese dari Mei kemarin, and skarang lg liburan semester.
Walopun liburnya 2 bulan, tapi ga kerasa juga uda 1 bulan uda berlalu. Intinya, liburan gw uda less than 30days dhe skarang. haiz.
1 July bakal mulai semester 5 - yg artinya uda Final Year. akhirnya kuliah uda tinggal 1 taon dhe. Walopun uda 2 taon kuliah ini hasil ujian gw standar2 ajah, tapi gw uda bersyukur, ga ada subject yg fail. And semoga untuk ke depannya juga lancar2 ajah. Amen.
Uda ga tau dari liburan kapan lalu gw uda bilang gini 'kalo liburan, gw mau coba cari kerja ah'. akhirnya di liburan ini, kesampean juga dhe. dengan resiko ga pulang Indo (padahal libur 2 bulan!!!), and smua orang yg ga percaya klow gw bisa2nya ga pulang, thx God gw skarang uda laghe di kantor pas gw laghe ketik ini Post. hehehe.
Gw kerja part-time sebagai Admin gituh dhe. ternyata ga se-serem yg gw bayangin. and gw Enjoy ama job gw ini. ga usa susah2 mikir pake otak susah2. tinggal susun2 file sesuai abjad gituh2 ajah. tapi yg susah tuh yah Jam kerjanya. gw kerja 8 jam (termasuk 1 jam lunch break). and gw uda harus ada di Office jam 9 am!!!
Ini mungkin biasa buat orang yg normal. But not for Me!!! gila ajah. gw biasa klow liburan tuh subuh jam 4-5am baru tidur, skarang jam 7.30 pagi uda harus mandi n siap2. Soalnya kan harus tunggu Bus sgala, and tempatnya yg lumayan jauh gituh dari rumah. Intinya, pulang kerja uda capek banget, and bisa jam 10 malem uda tidur. *what a healthy lifestyle*. hahaha.
Hal positif laen dari gw kerja adalah... gw skarang tau, kalau cari duit tu susah! capek banget! gw inget banget, Mami gw slalu bilang gituh terutama kalau gw sering minta duit buat beli barang2 ga guna. and setelah diomelin gituh hampir 20tahun, gw skarang baru tau artinya! skarang kalau misalnya liat barang harga $20 neh misalnya. skarang mikirnya 'buat beli neh barang, gw harus duduk depan komputer ketik ini itu selama hampir 4 jam dulu!'.
Intinya, skarang lebih bisa menghargai duit dhe!
tapi ada kesenangan tersendiri juga seh kalau bisa beli barang pake duit sendiri. rasanya tuh bener2 beda, walopun misalnya itu untuk barang yg sama. duit dari ortu ama duit yg u bisa dapetin sendiri dari kerja.
Trus, yg ga enak dari kerja tuh... energy loe habis. jadi nafsu makan lebih gede. hahaha. and gw tiap pagi harus mnm kopi. padahal kan itu ga bae. tapi mau gimana laghe. hari ini ajah, gw Scan dokumen, bisa ampe tutup mata. saking ngantuknya. terpaksa pas Lunch gw beli kopi kedua gw untuk hari ini. NGANTUK!
Duh, boss gw belom balik dari lunch break nya.... jadi gw skarang masi bisa MSN dulu dhe santai2.
Wednesday, March 19
bad thing about today :
Bloody damn Statistics test is horrible !!!!!!! it was MCQs and heard got a lot of 'none of the above' answers. what-the-eff!!!!!! might as well no need to give MCQs lah like that !!!!
good thing :
We decided to watch Step Up 2 with fellow Indonesian classmates. and we had Subway, Kfc, and Jap Resto in Cineleisure, coz all of us have different likes on food. hahaha. anyway, of course I had my beloved SUBWAY of Italian B.M.T. Hillarious !!!!!! yum......
Step Up 2.... it brings up the mood for clubbing after watching it. but, got lecture tom, so... juz forget the clubbing part.
So, we decided to hang out at nearby Starbucks. Spent 1-2 hours LAUGHING. and we laughed until v loud... nv care about other ppl. IT WAS HILLARIOUSLY FUN!!!!!
Kluar sering2 yah, guyz !!!! gw bs awet muda kalau gituwh!!!!
Recap dari Starbucks joke :
- Elies bakal pake make up waterproof semua.
- Sukanto kayaq om2 genit.
- Grace ke toilet Starbucks pipis di balik curtain.
- 'anu' nya si Jansen tuh ga bisa turun !
- si Gunardi ketawa ampe keluar dari Starbucks.
- Andre duduk feminim Banget !!!!!!!
- banyakkkkkkkkkkkk banget.,,......

behind camera : Jhonny

pose Om Genit.

Ciri khas Grace.. pegang idung !

Big Boys don't Cry...... lalalala...

Top Picture of the Day...
Bloody damn Statistics test is horrible !!!!!!! it was MCQs and heard got a lot of 'none of the above' answers. what-the-eff!!!!!! might as well no need to give MCQs lah like that !!!!
good thing :
We decided to watch Step Up 2 with fellow Indonesian classmates. and we had Subway, Kfc, and Jap Resto in Cineleisure, coz all of us have different likes on food. hahaha. anyway, of course I had my beloved SUBWAY of Italian B.M.T. Hillarious !!!!!! yum......
Step Up 2.... it brings up the mood for clubbing after watching it. but, got lecture tom, so... juz forget the clubbing part.
So, we decided to hang out at nearby Starbucks. Spent 1-2 hours LAUGHING. and we laughed until v loud... nv care about other ppl. IT WAS HILLARIOUSLY FUN!!!!!
Kluar sering2 yah, guyz !!!! gw bs awet muda kalau gituwh!!!!
Recap dari Starbucks joke :
- Elies bakal pake make up waterproof semua.
- Sukanto kayaq om2 genit.
- Grace ke toilet Starbucks pipis di balik curtain.
- 'anu' nya si Jansen tuh ga bisa turun !
- si Gunardi ketawa ampe keluar dari Starbucks.
- Andre duduk feminim Banget !!!!!!!
- banyakkkkkkkkkkkk banget.,,......
behind camera : Jhonny
pose Om Genit.
Ciri khas Grace.. pegang idung !
Big Boys don't Cry...... lalalala...
Top Picture of the Day...
Tuesday, February 26
tourist me !
Happy Chinese New Year...
Happy Valentine...
and Happy Easter - SOON !
Huwahh... sounds like I've been forgetting this blog for quite some time, huh. I went for some vacation during the Chinese New Year holz to Hong Kong, via Macau, and also to Shenzhen.
But special for Shenzhen, the weather was so cold, that we can't tahan.. so from the agenda of staying there for 3nights, we decided to go back earlier after staying for only.... 1 night. LoLz. The cold was so scary that the bed in the hotel room can't be slept. :p
Idk why the Blogger take so long to upload photos, so only can upload few the not-so-important ones. LoLz. some more, some photos is inside my old lappie which has SPOILT. *cursing*.
@ venetian toilet
After I went back to Singapore, few days later my friends, Winda and Nicholas came from Indo. So, I decided to take a week off from lecture to show them Singapore. *excuse*. LoLz. I really felt like a tourist myself that whole week. LoLz.
Tests are fully-scheduled on March. need more motivations....
Wednesday, January 30
"About You Now"
"About You Now"
by : Sugababes
It was so easy that night
Should have been strong
Yeah, I lied
Nobody gets me like you
Couldn't keep hold of you then
How could I know what you meant?
There was nothing to compare to
I know everything changes
All the settings
And faces
But I know how I feel about you
There's a mountain between us
But there's one thing I'm sure of
That I know how I feel about you
Can we bring yesterday back around?
'Cause I know How I feel
About you now
About you now
I was dumb
I was wrong
I let you down
But I know
How I feel
But I know
How I feel
About you now
All that takes
One more chance
Don't let our last kiss
Be our last
Give me tonight
And I'll show you
I know everything changes
I don't care where it takes us
'Cause I know how I feel about you
'Cause I know how I feel about you
Can we bring yesterday back around?
'Cause I know
How I feel
About you now
I was dumb
I was wrong
I let you down
But I know
How I feel
About you now
Not a day
Passed me by
Not a day
Passed me by
Where I don't think about you
Where I don't think about you
And there's no moving on
'Cause I know you're the one
And I can't be without you
Can we bring yesterday back around?
'Cause I know
How I feel
About you now
I was dumb
I was wrong
I let you down
But I know
How I feel
About you now
'Cause I know
How I feel
About you now
I was dumb
I was wrong
I let you down
But I know
How I feel
About you now
But I know
How I feel
About you now
Yeah I know
How I feel
About you now
Saturday, January 26
Manusia Bodoh
KATANYA teman baik itu selalu ada buat kita,
waktu kita senang,
waktu kita sedih,
Kata siapa tuh ?
Buktinya orang-orang yang gua anggap teman baik ga begitu tuh.
Makanya, sekarang gua tanya...
Siapa yang bodoh sekarang ???
Pilihan pertama :
Salahnya gua -
yang sembarangan label-in orang sebagai teman baik, padahal mereka gak berpikir yang sama tentang gua.
Pilihan kedua :
Salah gak Salah.
Talk only, no action - or worse, Think only, but no talk and no action.
Teman baik gua sebenarnya baik. Cuma mungkin mereka gak sempat / gak berani memperlihatkannya terang-terangan, mungkin karena malu, gengsi, dll.
Pilihan ketiga :
Fu*k off. Go get a new friend. They are sucks !!!
Berhubung gua sekarang uda tau, and uda bisa kira-kirain teman2 yang mana yang gua punya sekarang, kalaupun ada satu hari gua lagi susah, atau mungkin lagi ada masalah, dan akhirnya gua pun sendiri, gua uda bisa hadapin itu.
Bukan karena teman baik gua jahat, yahh... mungkin mereka lagi sibuk UJIAN - kan ujian itu lebih penting dari masalah 'teman'. Atau mungkin mereka itu gak tau harus ngomong apa untuk menghibur gua. Syukur-syukur gua di-sms-in, tapi jangan berharap lebih seperti diteleponin atau bahkan mereka langsung nyamperin gua. NOT GONNA HAPPEN !!!
Semuanya terlalu egois dan terlalu memikirkan urusannya masing-masing. Pacarnya lah, berita artis favoritnya lah, dll.
Yang paling memuakkan adalah waktu semuanya mau kembali berkumpul bersama. Pasti semua kata-kata manis seperti "Aduh, gua uda kangen banget.", "Best Friends forever yah..", and kata-kata menjijikkan seperti itulah yang keluar dari mulut MEREKA.
Why the hell would I call you a best friend when I know you're not here when I'm down ?
Jadi kenapa kalau ditanya 'Siapa Best Friend kamu ?', dan hanya nama-nama orang seperti merekalah yang bisa terpikir di otak gua. Entahlah! Mungkin gua terlalu bodoh, walaupun uda tau kenyataannya seperti itu, gua akan selalu tetap menganggap mereka itu :
Teman Baik gua.
Si Bodoh,
waktu kita senang,
waktu kita sedih,
Kata siapa tuh ?
Buktinya orang-orang yang gua anggap teman baik ga begitu tuh.
Makanya, sekarang gua tanya...
Siapa yang bodoh sekarang ???
Pilihan pertama :
Salahnya gua -
yang sembarangan label-in orang sebagai teman baik, padahal mereka gak berpikir yang sama tentang gua.
Pilihan kedua :
Salah gak Salah.
Talk only, no action - or worse, Think only, but no talk and no action.
Teman baik gua sebenarnya baik. Cuma mungkin mereka gak sempat / gak berani memperlihatkannya terang-terangan, mungkin karena malu, gengsi, dll.
Pilihan ketiga :
Fu*k off. Go get a new friend. They are sucks !!!
Berhubung gua sekarang uda tau, and uda bisa kira-kirain teman2 yang mana yang gua punya sekarang, kalaupun ada satu hari gua lagi susah, atau mungkin lagi ada masalah, dan akhirnya gua pun sendiri, gua uda bisa hadapin itu.
Bukan karena teman baik gua jahat, yahh... mungkin mereka lagi sibuk UJIAN - kan ujian itu lebih penting dari masalah 'teman'. Atau mungkin mereka itu gak tau harus ngomong apa untuk menghibur gua. Syukur-syukur gua di-sms-in, tapi jangan berharap lebih seperti diteleponin atau bahkan mereka langsung nyamperin gua. NOT GONNA HAPPEN !!!
Semuanya terlalu egois dan terlalu memikirkan urusannya masing-masing. Pacarnya lah, berita artis favoritnya lah, dll.
Yang paling memuakkan adalah waktu semuanya mau kembali berkumpul bersama. Pasti semua kata-kata manis seperti "Aduh, gua uda kangen banget.", "Best Friends forever yah..", and kata-kata menjijikkan seperti itulah yang keluar dari mulut MEREKA.
Why the hell would I call you a best friend when I know you're not here when I'm down ?
Jadi kenapa kalau ditanya 'Siapa Best Friend kamu ?', dan hanya nama-nama orang seperti merekalah yang bisa terpikir di otak gua. Entahlah! Mungkin gua terlalu bodoh, walaupun uda tau kenyataannya seperti itu, gua akan selalu tetap menganggap mereka itu :
Teman Baik gua.
Si Bodoh,
Sunday, January 20
Dream before you wake up
ooh.. it's weekend (again!).

since the course started with only 4 days classes, can start the weekend 1 day earlier from others. LoLz. but, got pros and cons too. the horrible thing is i totally have no idea how am i supposed to spend the long weekend with 'productive' things.
today, i spent the next 5 hours after i woke up staring at the laptop and surfed the net. browsing an interesting forum esp the gossip ones, and idk... facebook-ing... watsoever.
anyway, i had a dream last night and it makes me cry when i woke up. OMG! i can't blv tt i actually cried over a dream. well, maybe it's bcoz i met my grandma in my dream. miss her so much... she still like scolding people even in the dream though. hahaha. may she Rest in Peace and God always be with her everyday. She must be happy now when she can see her grandsons n grand daughter all grown up, some of them even have got a son or two. She was a great grandmother finally :)
i've been craving for sushi and Lay's the past week. i had 4 sushi meal (2 of them are buffet), and 4 big packets of Lay's Original during these days. I still can't get enough of those two. Diet is totally not in my dictionary nowadays.
Friends keep asking if I'm going back to my hometown in this coming Chinese New Year. FYI, I'm gonna have these 17 days holiday for it. hahaha. all ppl i told abt this can only shocked. anyway, i don't have any plans to go back Indo these year, and that means sticking up in Singapore probably a greater idea. LoLz.
Idk what happenned, suddenly I really fed up of keep going back to Indo and slack around there. I guess I'll miss my Ang Bao again this year. Last year I remember I didn't go back Indo on CNY too leh. but my relatives passed the ang bao to my Mom, then she passed to me in Spore. hahaha. Quite disappointed, coz I expect all of them to be in $$$, but they were all in Rupiah. haizzz...
My fave song this week is : Apologize by Timbaland feat. One Republic.
Anyway, I just found my High School Pictures taken days after the final exams...(2006).
and some friends wrote notes about me... you know... the memories... and when i read it now, it makes me smile. well, time flies, don't they ?

Sunday, January 13
true-oh-oh-egg (2008)
*leaving 2007 behind and facing up the 2-oh oh-8...*
As the first twelth days of 2--8 have passed, nth much in my life has yet to change.
School has been more difficult these days in the degree program, and the full and not-enough-air-to-breath-due-to-the-crowd class have made the procedure of going to school - attending the lecture be more 'interesting'.
Chinese New Year is here in less than 1month, that's what my fren always remind me. but, it doesn't affect me at all, coz I won't be going home. that means, no family / friends gathering, no shopping for new clothes, no nice foods whatsoever.
Welcome to the world, Christawenca Hellen Wijaya - my cousin. a pretty little girl you shall grow up to be. :D
Oyeah, Nicole Richie and Christina Aguilera are just labouring too. Do they actually plan this out when they are making it ? They are even reportedly labouring at the very same hospital too. Anyway, Congratz!! More babies in this world will bring more joy to people around, though that means smaller space for all of us to move. LoLz. i loveeee babies.
Love, Peace & Joy. What a perfect world it will gonna be with these three.
What's on with me now ?
- Gossip Girl drama series.
- Hotel Dusk in my Nintendo DS Lite.
- Living without my Ipod is starting to driving me crazy. I Need Music !!!
- Mr. Kiasu comic book.
- Bunch of dirty clothes (waiting) to be washed.
- Havent attended any church masses since..... November. (no, i didn't attend it on xmas either).
- S.L.E.E.P.Y.
Sign out,
As the first twelth days of 2--8 have passed, nth much in my life has yet to change.
School has been more difficult these days in the degree program, and the full and not-enough-air-to-breath-due-to-the-crowd class have made the procedure of going to school - attending the lecture be more 'interesting'.
Chinese New Year is here in less than 1month, that's what my fren always remind me. but, it doesn't affect me at all, coz I won't be going home. that means, no family / friends gathering, no shopping for new clothes, no nice foods whatsoever.
Welcome to the world, Christawenca Hellen Wijaya - my cousin. a pretty little girl you shall grow up to be. :D
Oyeah, Nicole Richie and Christina Aguilera are just labouring too. Do they actually plan this out when they are making it ? They are even reportedly labouring at the very same hospital too. Anyway, Congratz!! More babies in this world will bring more joy to people around, though that means smaller space for all of us to move. LoLz. i loveeee babies.
Love, Peace & Joy. What a perfect world it will gonna be with these three.
What's on with me now ?
- Gossip Girl drama series.
- Hotel Dusk in my Nintendo DS Lite.
- Living without my Ipod is starting to driving me crazy. I Need Music !!!
- Mr. Kiasu comic book.
- Bunch of dirty clothes (waiting) to be washed.
- Havent attended any church masses since..... November. (no, i didn't attend it on xmas either).
- S.L.E.E.P.Y.
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